ENRD LAG Survey 2017

Allikas: ENRD CP
24. november 2017. a




Dear Colleague,

With over 2,000 Local Action Groups in the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) LAG database now is an ideal opportunity to develop a wide reaching, robust and LAG oriented information base and analysis regarding LEADER implementation.  This survey will collect information about the current situation and possible improvements related to the implementation of LEADER 'on the ground' specifically from the rural Local Action Groups' point of view.

This work is important now for the ENRD Contact Point in understanding how implementation is progressing locally in practice and what is working well and what less well.  This will help the Contact Point better target support for ‘simpler and more effective CLLD’, improve its relevance to EAFRD LAGs and increase their participation in networking activities.
Importantly it may also inform DG AGRI, other rural policy makers and LEADER stakeholders as they consider LEADER’s role in the future policy framework. We therefore invite your LAG to respond with your own LAG perspectives and have your voice heard.  The survey is available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Polish, it is open until Friday December 1st. You can access the survey here.  Please note that responses after this date cannot be included in the analysis.

Each LAG may submit one response which should reflect the view of the LAG as a whole. We recommend that at least the manager and chairman / president consult one another on its completion. Responses will be confidential, individual LAGs will not be identified in survey results. Contact details will only be used for contacting those who indicate that they wish to participate in follow up activities.

We have kept the survey as simple as possible mainly using multiple choice options for responses and following a logical sequence from basic LAG data through the LEADER principles and LAG operation to LEADER improvements. Space is provided for a short free text at the end of the survey.  You are able to save the survey at any time for later completion. A pdf version of the survey is attached to enable you to prepare for the questions prior to starting the online version.
You can find a list of LAG codes to support your response here.

Please do take up this valuable opportunity to share your views with the ENRD and the EU-wide LEADER community by December 1st, this is your chance to have your say!

A summary of the results will be published on the ENRD website.

If you have any questions relating to the survey, please do not hesitate to contact us at leader-clld@enrd.eu. Thank you for contributing to this important work, we look forward to working with you in the future.

ENRD Contact Point team 


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