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maainfo.ee » ENG » Leader Cooperation Awards » STUDY TOURS



The Nordic-Baltic Leader Cooperation Award

Celebrating Leader Transnational Cooperation in the Nordic-Baltic Countries!

In 2013, the seven Rural Network Support Units from the Nordic-Baltic Region - Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden - initiated the Nordic-Baltic Leader Transnational Cooperation (TNC) Awards.

During April and May 2013, a total of 60 applications were collected from the participating countries and on 6th June 2013 in Roskilde an Evaluation Committee selected 21 finalists in five categories. On 27th August a jury will gather in Helsinki to select the best Leader TNC project in each category.


To highlight the importance of transnational cooperation for rural development in the Nordic-Baltic countries three events will then be organised on 26th and 27th September 2013 in Estonia: an International Conference, an Awards Gala and some field trips. The main organiser of these events is the Estonian Rural Network Unit.

27th September 2013

Field trip 1 - To Rapla and Järva Counties


We want to share our experiences with Leader projects. Field trip 1 will take you about 100 km away from Tallinn to look two Leader TNC projects: CULTrips. Creating a New Concept for Socio-cultural Village Trips in Europ and Ecoland LEADER; involving two Estonian LAGs LAG Raplamaa Partnership and LAG Järva Development Partners. This tour is organised to be back quite early to catch an evening plane or ferry. LINK TO PROGRAMME


Field trip 2 - to Island Hiiumaa


The Estonian Islands are something very special and unique. If you have not experienced before the culture, beauty and tranquility of Hiiumaa - Estonia’s second largest island - then do it now. The tour will take a full day and is not suitable for people who plan to leave on 27 September. You should stay be staying in Estonia until at least 28th September. There is a very active LAG - Hiidlaste Koostöökoda - in Hiiumaa and they are willing to show you as much (and more!) than the time available allows. They are partners in two of the finalist Leader TNC projects: Growing Gastronauts and Traditional sailing and maritime heritage. LINK TO PROGRAMME (ENG)