

May 2022

Kalender:  RSS

Time Place Name
30.05.2022–31.05.2022 online European Evaluation Helpdesk: How to assess AKIS
26.05.2022 online RURAL NETWORK: Circular bioeconomy
26.05.2022 Fishing Village, Pärnu county LEADER LIIT ja MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK: Maal elamise päeva korraldamise juhtrühma seminar
25.05.2022 Online Webinar "Tanel and digital chicken: running out of money? Tanel helps..."
24.05.2022 Online 2nd meeting of the ENRD Thematic Group on Making the seven LEADER principles work in practice for all LAGs under the CAP Strategic Plans
24.05.2022 in T1 mall Tallinn and online Conference for food producers "Inspiring cooperation in the food sector"
19.05.2022 Online 2nd meeting of the ENRD Thematic Group on Rural Proofing
18.05.2022–20.05.2022 Messukeskus Helsinki, Soome Exhibition "Gastro Helsinki 2022"
17.05.2022 Online workshop via Zoom Network to innovate: Farm data and IT solutions
17.05.2022–18.05.2022 Online EU Missions Info Days
16.05.2022 Online ENRD: 17th Rural Networks’ Steering Group Meeting
13.05.2022 Online and in Espoo, Finland Seminar on Bioeconomy "Innovative bioeconomy - strategies and resolutions of the future"
12.05.2022 Tartu Loodusmaja International Day of Plant Health 2022
11.05.2022 Zoom - 920 3479 9588 Ligipääsukood: ForumUKR5 RURAL NETWORK online: Forum in support of Ukraine
11.05.2022 Helsinki, Finland EIT Food Nordic & Baltic Startup Forum
05.05.2022–06.05.2022 Austria, Kufstein ENRD: 22th NRN meeting
04.05.2022 Tallinn MAAELUMINISTEERIUM: Euroopa Liidu teadusruumi teadusvõrgustike infopäev
03.05.2022 Jäneda, Lääne-Viru county MAAELUVÕRGUSTIK: LEADER teemapäev - enterpreneursip
02.05.2022 Veebiseminar “Digitaalne taimekasvatus (Agricon)”
01.05.2022 Estonia ESTONIAN RURAL TOURISM: Open Doors Day 2022
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