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  Estonian National CAP Network
Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples
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  The Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge

Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples


Project title: Organizing workshops about making and playing the zither and couching
Measure name: Leader measure
Theme: youth
Keywords: youth, village development, cultural heritage
Start year: 2009
Local action group: LAG Pärnu Bay Partnership
Name of the beneficiary: NGO Hellad Velled
Homepage: http://www.hot.ee/helladvelled
Sum of support: 5 058 EUR
Backround of the project: Hobby group of Audru High School allows to get primary education about music. But everybody don't have the opportunity to participate on the studies of hobby group all year round, it is difficult and expensive to purchase different musical instruments. National zithers are easy to make and there are professional instructors of making zithers in Estonia and also in the area.

Organizing and carrying through the workshop of making and playing the zither in Jõõpre Elementary School is a good opportunity in summer for children and parents and it helped to use local resource in school holidays.
Main activities: Organizing I workshop of zither making in the rooms of Jõõpre Elementary School. 12 zither bags were made for the 12 zither that was made in the workshop. As the result of workshop of teaching zither playing they organized a concerto for local community where all the participants - children, parents and instructors had the chance to perform.
Output and results indicators: 12 zithers were made during the project in Audru municipality, in the area of Pärnu Bay Partnership. People who are really interested in zither playing can develop their skills in hobby group of Audru High School. Zither making workshop is really popular among people who are interested on that topic.

The final concerto of the I Zither Camp proved the fact that the project has directly created links between different generations thanks to the zither-music.
Experiences/lessons learned: Today everybody can buy musical instruments from shops but playing a zither that you have made by yourself is an added value for music makers and listeners. Own made zithers offer the opportunity for musical families to play zither together with your family and thereby to sustain musical traditions from generation to generation.
Additional information about the project: Nominee in category of best youth project in contest "Notice Leader". Article "Vanemuise workshop" in booklet "Notice Leader 2011" - http://maainfo.ee/public/files/MTU_Hellad_Velled_ENG.pdf
Contact person : Kersti Põllu
County: pärnu county
Project inserted into database: 2011-08-23

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  Jäneda, Tapa vald 73602, Lääne-Virumaa, seminar (at) metk.agri.ee