Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples

Project title: Snail growing
Theme: Diversification
Start year: 2011
Local action group: LAG Kodukant Läänemaa
Name of the beneficiary: Märt Paju SEE
Sum of support: 15 837 euros
Backround of the project: The project was started fro the need to establish something in rural areas. It helped to develop rural life and to create some new jobs. The idea was generated already in 2000, when one German TV-channel showed similar project. The real results were achieved in 2010.

It is quite new and unknown agricultural sphere in Estonia.
Objectives of the project: Establishing a Burgundy snail breeding.
Main activities: Building fences and doing some research about snail growing in other parts of the World. They have researched inside and outdoor breeding of snails.
Output and results indicators: The minimum of the project results have achieved, and project initiators have gained a lot of knowledge to develop the project.

They are hoping to create some new jobs, offer local raw material for restaurants and to diversify the food table of Estonians.
Experiences/lessons learned: Currently the snails grow on outdoor conditions, but there is a plan to establish a certain rooms for indoor breeding. They have the necessary rooms that need to be renovated. Also, they are planning to apply for support. In the future, the snail breeding should be their main activity sphere.
Contact person : Märt Paju
County: Lääne county
Project inserted into database: 2013-03-15

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