Database of RDP 2007-2013 project examples

Project title: Book "National costume of Tori municipality"
Measure name: Leader measure
Theme: cultural heritage
Keywords: book;natural costumes
Start year: 2010
Local action group: LAG Green Riverland Partnership
Name of the beneficiary: Randivälja village association
Sum of support: 5 418 euros (84 766 crons)
Backround of the project: The main reason to compile and publish the book about Tori parish national costume is the low (or no) awareness about this theme. The main reason to publish this books is to keep alive the folklore and raise the awareness about it.
Objectives of the project: To gather the material relating to folk costumes of Tori parish and to publish it.
Main activities: Project is planned to be three staged - collecting the materials, compiling and publishing the book and info-lessons about parish culture and national costume.
Additional information about the project: An extract from Leader Summer Seminar print about the project, July 2010 -

Article in newspaper "Pärnu Postimees", 26.02.2010 -
Contact person : Anne Rätsep
County: Pärnu county
Project inserted into database: 2010-09-23

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