
Thematic meeting on rural entrepreneurship between Finland and Estonia

Time: 13.12.2018

Place: Ministry of Rural Affairs, Lai tn 39 // Lai tn 41, Tallinn

Sihtgrupp: Managing authority, Paying agency, National Rural Network, thematic working groups, entrepreneurship organizations, council of rural policy.

Registreerunute nimekiri

Aim of the meeting is to share information and future views on rural entrepreneurship. Discuss examples of activities to promote rural entrepreneurship and possible cooperation in this theme.

Aim of the finnish thematic working group is to identify important topics and arrange activities to advance rural entrepreneurship. Thematic working group organizes and participates in events that gather different stakeholders within this topic. It produces and communicates meaningful messages to potential beneficiaries and decision makers.

- Key topics for the thematic working groups have been (inter alia);

- New service providing methods for rural areas (innovation camp);

- Highlighting job opportunities in rural areas (road show);

- Collecting and communicating in simple way different kinds of funding opportunities for rural entrepreneurs (leaflet);

- Compile a list of actions needed to get immigrants to work in rural businesses (action paper). 

Thematic meeting on rural entrepreneurship between Finland and Estonia

THURSDAY, 13. december 2018

13.00 - 13.15 Welcome and introduction to the day
13.15 - 14.15
(1 hour)

State of play on rural entrepreneurship in Estonia and Finland (RDP 2014-2020; CAP 2021; Maaseutu2030):

  • Presentation of Finnish partners
  • Presentation of Estonian partners
14.15 - 14.45
(30 min)
Recent and upcoming activities to promote rural entrepreneurship (roundtable discussion)
14.45 - 15.30 Discussion on mutual topics of interest to cooperate

15.30 - ...

End of meeting

More information: Konstantin Mihhejev - National Rural Network Estonia, phone: +372 5845 1896, e-mail: and Joel Karlsson - National Rural Network Finland, phone: +358 4053 11966, e-mail:


Ürituse läbiviimine on toetatud Eesti maaelu arengukava tehnilise abi vahenditest maaeluvõrgustiku tegevusele.
Üritus on registreeritud osalejatele tasuta.

Viimati muudetud: 18.12.2018

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