EST Maainfo Kalender Maainfo Üritused
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EUREKA: WP2 Regional Workshop - CANCELED

Toimumisaeg: 30.04.2020

Toimumiskoht: Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel, Sadama 11a, Tallinn

Sihtgrupp: Participation by invitation only


The Agricultural Research Centre is currently involved in an exciting project to help promote knowledge exchange across the EU for farmers, foresters and advisers. The project (Eureka) aims to draw existing knowledge from EU funded projects together to create a knowledge reservoir which can be accessed online. It is important that this platform is usable by people on the ground which is why your input is critical to help us develop something tailored to the sector.

Our role is to help facilitate workshops to help understand how people overcome challenges through accessing agricultural related knowledge.

Workshops will call on the expertise of those working in the field to help us create user profiles and journeys. We would like invite you to the Nordic- Baltic workshop which will consist of 15 participants.

The workshop will run on the 30th April at Tallink Spa and conference hotel with transport and accommodation organised and paid for by us. Please use this page to sign up today!

Viimati muudetud: 16.04.2020

Aprill 2024
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