
SCAR SWG AKIS: state of play of CAP AKIS Strategic plans

Time: 24.03.2021–26.03.2021

Place: online

Sihtgrupp: SCAR SWG AKIS members

The SCAR SWG AKIS webinar will be the fifth meeting of the 5th mandate endorsed by the SCAR plenary in December 2018. Its specific role is to start to discuss the following topic defined in the 5th mandate:

The state of play of CAP AKIS strategic plans:

One of the aims of SCAR AKIS group is to help member states with the planning and implementation process of their AKIS related activities. One of the topics accepted in our 5th mandate is to emphasize the role of education and training in the AKIS. At this meeting we propose to highlight the educational and training dimension of AKIS strategy and action plans, taking into account the full range of experiences in the different Member States. We would like to learn from and discuss the situation and priorities of the MSs and illustrate those discussions with selected case studies. We would also like to explore the possibilities to mobilize the Erasmus+ program to strengthen the educational dimension of the AKIS.
CO-Chairs: Anikó JUHASZ & Pascal BERGERET

Agenda is under construction

This meeting will develop the following topics:

Wednesday March 24th (Morning)

8.30 – 09.00: On-line coffee: joining the meeting and trouble shooting
09.00-09.30: Presentation of the meeting objectives & Tour de Table – Co-chairs, participants
09.30-10.15: Information on EIP and AKIS + Q&A – Inge Van Oost
10.30-11.30: Information on “Achieving the European Education Area by 2025"  – Adrien Nyircsak DG EAC
11.30-12.30: Member states presentations on education and discussion complementary to the last AKIS meeting, with a special focus on agricultural education 

Thursday April 25th

8.30 – 09.00: On-line coffee: joining the meeting and trouble shooting
09.00-12.00: Member States’ presentations of their AKIS Strategic plans for the CAP post 2020: + member states discussion, based on MS questions 

12.00-13.00: Lunch break
13.00-16.00: Member States’ presentations of their AKIS Strategic plans for the CAP post 2020: 
16.00-16.30: Summary of the MS presentations + Discussion – Co-chairs and Inge Van Oost
16.30-17.30: Related H2020 projects - EURAKNOS, I2CONNECT

Friday April 26th

8.30 – 09.00: On-line coffee: joining the meeting and trouble shooting
09.45-10.15: Introduction on simplified costs and how to decrease administrative burden of implementation (e.g. vouchers)  - Marina Hadjiyanni (EU Commission, RD coordination unit)
10.15 - 12.00: Further discussion about the good practices and challenges in implementing CAP post 2020 AKIS related strategy and related interventions (training, advice, EIP OGs, innovation support, AKIS interaction and link to research, knowledge exchange, piloting future interventions in 2021-2022):

12.00-12:15: AOB and end of the meeting 

Viimati muudetud: 26.03.2021

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