ENG Maainfo Estonian National CAP Network Maainfo VIDEO GALLERY
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  Estonian National CAP Network
  Innovation Network
  LEADER 2023-2027
  LEADER 2016-2020
  LEADER 2009-2015
  The Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge



The aim of Estonian National Rural Network (NRN) is to implement the informing activities named in chapter 16.2 of Estonian Rural Development Plan (RDP) - to present the RDP projects and the active members of different communities. Please find the Estonian Rural Network Unit's RDP projects database here: www.maainfo.ee/index.php

The presentation of RDP projects should also popularize the values related to working and living in rural area, and should encourage rural inhabitant in his daily work and activities.


Rural Network bureau of Rural Economy Research Centre (Estonian Rural Network Unit) has produced 123 video-clips and interviews in cooperation with Estonian Public Broadcasting in 2008, 2010 and 2011.

All the videos are available on the Estonian Rural Network's channel in YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/maainfo


Estonian Rural Network produced 47 video-clips and questions during the 2011 year’s television project. All the videos are available HERE

Estonian NRN:

  • Helped to find participants and rural products for prizes and audience for the TV-game “Eesti Mäng” ("Estonian Game") through Leader local action groups (LAGs). The show was on the air from 27th June - 28th August 2011 from Monday to Thursday on 9.30 pm and the repetition was on the air from Tuesday to Friday on 6.05 pm

  • Compiled 17 video questions about different rural areas or actions in Estonia for the entertaining quiz "Eesti Mäng"

  • 30 videos were produced out of the competition “Notice Leader” nominates (Estonian Rural Development Plan Leader-measure projects) for the television-show “Ilus Maa ("Beautiful Country”). Each video includes precise information about the project financing. The show was on the air from 3rd September to 13th December 2011 on Saturdays and Sundays on 6.20 pm and the repetition was on the air on Mondays and Tuesdays on 11.45 am


According to the results of television viewer’s research conducted by LTD EMOR, the “Eesti Mäng" ("Estonian Game”) was watched by 4.8 million viewers in total (also the repetitions) in 2011 whereat 4.76 million viewers were Estonian and 82 thousand from other nationalities. The show was more popular among women - 2.97 million female viewers against 1.87 million male viewers. By the reference to age, there were 3 million viewers of over 50 years old, 1.54 millions of 25-49, and 283 thousand viewers under the age 25. The show was really popular among people with secondary education - 2.6 million people. The number of viewers with higher education, was also proportionally high - 1.4 million. The numbers shows the high interest of intelligent people to the show. There were also 765 thousand viewers with basic education. The show was most viewed in bigger cities - 1.86 million, viewers from rural areas - 1.7 million and 1.3 million viewers from smaller.

The television-show "Ilus Maa" (“Beautiful Country”) gained 1.7 million viewers in total (with repetitions). Most of the viewers (1.6 million) were Estonians and 84 thousand from other nationalities. The show was also more popular among women - namely 1.2 million, so only 511 thousand viewers were male. The viewers were mostly over 50 (1.2 million), which was followed by viewers aged 25-49 – 520 thousand and 25 years old viewers - 62 thousand. The show was the most appealing to viewers with secondary education – 1.05 million, but also to higher educated people – 407 thousand and the smallest number of viewers were with basic education – namely 267 thousand viewers. Rural people watched the show most – 728 thousand people, 633 viewers were from bigger cities and 372 thousand from smaller settlements.


Estonian Rural Network produced 30 video-clips during the 2010 year’s television project. All the videos are available HERE

Estonian NRN:

  • Produced 26 video-clips about Rural Development Plan 2007-2013 Leader measure projects for Estonian Public Broadcasting television show called "Suveniir " (“Souvenir”). The show was on the air from 5th July to 26th August 2012 four times per week from Monday to Thursday on 8.05 pm to 9 pm and on Wednesday fro, 8.05 pm to 8.30 pm. The repetition was on the air on the next mornings fro, 9.45 to 10.10 am
  • 4 RDP projects presented in “Suveniir” implemented the environmental measures:
    • A HAPPY FARM - LTD MAASIKAMÄE is an enterprise that deals with organic farming production and keeping endangered species. See the video-clip  HERE
    • THE FORESTS OF AEGVIIDU: VAHUR EENMAA received a Rural Development Plan 2007-2013 Natura 2000 private forest support. See the video-clip HERE
    • STONE WALLS OF LÄÄNE COUNTY: HELLAT RUMVOLT received RDP 2007-2013 support for establishing and restoring stone walls. See the video-clip HERE
    • SILOTEGU JÕGEVAMAAL: LTD VIRAITO received RDP 2007-2013 support for environmentally friendly managing. See the video-clip HERE

Estonian Rural Network Unit in cooperation with Estonian Public Broadcasting choosed the RDP Leader-measure projects to produce the video-clips a at least each video from one Leader action group area. The length of one video-clip is 6 to 10 minutes and the videos were filmed on the spot a on the support received projects area. Each video includes precise information about the project financing. 24 out of the 92 Leader measure projects sent by 24 Estonian local action groups were nominated by cooperation of Estonian Public Broadcasting television-show team, Estonian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Network Unit to produce the video-clips. The RDP environmental projects were chose in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB).


According to the results of television viewer’s research conducted by LTD EMOR the television-show "Suveniir" (“Souvenir”) was daily viewed by 95 thousand people. The average percentage on summary television watching time in this television zone was 11.4%. The repetition of the show was on air from 9.45 am to 10.05/40 am and gained 44 viewers on the average. The average percentage on summary television watching time in this television zone was 23%.


Estonian Rural Network produced 46 video-clips during the 2008 year’s television project. The videos are available HERE

Estonian NRN:

  • Produced 15 rural thematic video-clips for television-show “Suvehommik” ("Summer Morning”) which were on the air on every other day from 30th June to 31st Augut 2008 .
  • The video-clips were grouped into a 3-series show "Suvehommiku lood" ("Stories of Summer Morning") afterwards: North-Estonia - Ida-Viru county: “Making the  Luisk” (“Luisu tegemine”) and “Making the Linen cloth“(Avinurme linategu”), Lääne-Viru county: “Sunrise Hut in Pandivere” (“Pandivere päiksetõusu onn”), Jõgeva county: “Krati Village” (“Kratiküla”) and Järva county: “Ancient Camp of Kiruvere” (“Kiruvere muinaslaager”), which was first on the air on 25th August 2008 on Estonian Public Broadcasting Channel; South-Estonia - Valga county: “4-year old Haava and sheep breeding” (“4-aastane Haava ja lambakasvatus”), Võru county: “Boat Rally in Rõuge” (“Rõuge paadiralli”), Põlva county: “Farm Museum” (“Talumuuseum”), Viljandi county: “Integration Camp” (“Integratsioonilaager”), Tartu county: “Old-believers of Varnja and Fishermen Day” (“Varnja vanausulised ja kalameeste päev”), which was first on the air on the 30th August 2008; West-Estonia - Saaremaa island: “Ecological Farm” (“Mahe talu”), Lääne county: “Building the Jalta” (“Jahta ehitus”), Harju county: “Valgejärve’s Bog” (“Valgejärve raba”), Soomaa: “Canoe voyage on the River and Mutton” (“Kanuumatk jõel ja lambaliha”) and Pärnu county: “Russian Farm” (“Vene talu”), which was first on the air on 31st August 2008.
  • Produced 30 studio-interviews with active rural people on the television-show "Suvehommik” ("Summer Morning").
  • "Jänki jälgedes Hiiumaal” (“Following the Yankee in Hiiumaa Island“) - A longer video about community development, which was first on the air on 24th June 2008. Short introduction of the video: Douglas Wells was delegated to Hiiumaa Island by USA Money Corporation in 1992. The whole story grew into a book called “The adventures of a Yankee in Hiiumaa Island”. Douglas Wells is a man who found the lost bell of Emmaste church. Now, many years later Douglas came to Estonia without passport control and the video is all about his life in Estonia. See the video-clip in Estonian Public Broadcasting Archives HERE

The television project of year 2008 of Rural Network Unit was realized in cooperation with Estonian Public Broadcasting and Leader local action groups. Rural Network Unit organized a competition to find people for the video-clips and interviews. A special working committee formed from participants of Rural Network and Estonian Public Broadcasting was established to choose the right projects. Also a special information-day was held in Jäneda for the LAGs to prepare them for the television project.

The video-shootings lasted from 30th June to 8th August 2008.


According to the television viewers research conducted by LTD EMOR the television-show "Suve Hommik" (“Summer Morning”) was daily viewed by 55 thousand people per average. “Suve Hommik” was the most popular show in its time-zone. The morning-programme’s percentage of Estonian television-viewers was 49% and the repetition was watched by 50 thousand viewers per average. The percentage of Estonian viewers was 21%.

The three series of television show “Suvehommiku Lood" ("Stories of Summer Morning”) was viewed by 96 people. 89 thousand of them were Estonians and 7 thousand viewers were speaking some other language. Women showed more interest towards the show (52 thousand) than male viewers (44 thousand). The number of over 50-years old viewers and 25-49 years old was almost the same - accordingly 43 thousand and 41 thousand. But the number of viewers under 25 was considerably smaller - only 12 thousand. The show was most intriguing to viewers with secondary education - 65 thousand. The number of viewers with basic education was 27 thousand and the number of people with higher education was only 4 thousand. The show was most popular among rural people - 44 thousand and the number of viewers from cities and smaller settlements was equal - both categories gained 26 thousand viewers.

The video-clip named "Jänki Jälgedes Hiiumaal" (“Following the Yankee in Hiiumaa Island") was viewed by 154 thousand viewers in total (together with repetitions) - 150 thousand out of them were Estonians and 3 thousand other language speakers. Women were more interested (83 thousand) on the show than men (72 thousand). ¾ of the viewers were over 50 years old (109 thousand), 40 thousands were aged between 25 and 49 and 5 thousand viewers were younger than 25. The show was most appealing to higher educated people - namely 39 thousand viewers were with higher education, 91 thousand were with secondary education and 19 thousand viewers had basic education. Comparing to the total number of people with higher education in Estonia we can say that the 39% percentage is a really good result. Comparing to rural people, the people from bigger cities and settlements were more interested on the show - which is probably caused by the early time of showing the morning programme.


Viimati muudetud: 21.09.2023

  Jäneda, Tapa vald 73602, Lääne-Virumaa, seminar (at) metk.agri.ee